P H O T O G R A P H ° L I F E S T Y L E

November 9, 2014

Attempt Of Cooking Tomato Rice. Chinese: 整个番茄饭

Wonderful Sunday with a great weather! I was feeling bored and then do an attempt to cook a tomato rice. Guys you know this dish was quiet popular which spreading in Facebook. Looks great! Low calories and low fat dish for multiple field of people. Girls, eat this if you want to keep fit! 

All you need is: 
- A bowl of rice
- A tomato (Suggest to put 2 pieces) 
- Chopped green onions
- Chopped carrots
- Pieces of ham (Don't cut it too small since it will be mince after cooked) 
- Salt

1. Wash rice well. And pour in some water as cook rice as usual.

2. Cut this off.

3. Put tomato at the middle area.

4. Place pieces of ham onto it.

5. Put chopped green onions and chopped carrots onto it.

6. Put in some salt.

7. Stir it lightly. And you can cook it after this.

8. This is how does it looks when been cooked.

9. Mince the tomato and stir all of it lightly.

10. Done.

This definitely is a healthy dish that you can cook, I only put a very little bit of salt because I gonna eat it with another dishes, therefore I didn't salted it heavily. But if you will only eat it singly and you can try to put a bit salt more. 
A very good tried and I got this tasty dish for my today's lunch. How about you? 
I do hope you like my pictures, and start your attempt to cook it. You can send a picture of yours one to me through email, I will be very like it yea. 



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