P H O T O G R A P H ° L I F E S T Y L E

April 24, 2015

Traveling with SQ # Singapore Airlines

With a blink of an eye, I am aged 22 officially and turning 23 in a few months time. As being not even a little girl, but a lady, I was growing up year by year. With observed and experienced many different types of things and stories, I understood profoundly human shouldn't being suffer from any difficulty. Why is it so hard to working for life? Sometimes, have some relaxation techniques are definitely needed.

As living in Singapore and getting high daily sun exposure are almost inseparable. Therefore, why don't just get yourself some unique experiences of traveling in other country owing to their weather isn't such hot? Visiting a foreign country opens your eyes to how the rest of the world lives. For myself, I was planning to travel around Korea and Europe in a very short future. But since talking about traveling, the only one transportation would be aeroplane. People would worry about aviation incident is fully understandable. There are many aviation incidents had happened in both last and this year so far. Thus, choose a right yet comfortable airway is much important than as what as you think. I bet everyone does knew well about Singapore Airlines (SQ), this airlines would always be my prior choice.

Of course many things is debatable, whichever is the best but for my opinion, the thing wasn't debatable is this Singapore Airlines is the best airline is Asia. You may find it out by yourself about how amazing it really is. Herewith just typing for sharing. For more information, may visit their official website http://www.singaporeair.com/SAA-flow.form .


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