P H O T O G R A P H ° L I F E S T Y L E

October 23, 2015

Things Money Can't Buy

Blogging has been cease for about two months owing to timeless. Every time like was going to do but nothing to well express. A lot- sadness, happiness, anger, disappointment, sharing so on. By the way, that is a scorching sun outside, sitting down to pen an expression to blog is quiet idle. Initially was thinking to blog about my experience that staying with Grand Hyatt Hotel Kuala Lumpur but I have no idea how to blog it in an interesting style.
I read a post from Facebook, that is regards to "50 Things Money Can't Buy". Touching indeed.

1. 25-hour day
Is not only 25 hours, but I want even more. Current situation is that I am going to leave home at 8am in the morning, reach home at 8pm in the night. 1 more hour taken for dinner and bath. Last 1 hour to spend with beloved one and which is not enough. I don't want day flies that fast, everything seem likes just happened in a wink.

2. A new beginning
Stories are just there. Nobody is given a new beginning to start. That's just bull shit. Start a new beginning, how could it be? Something which is not right that done is done, how could it be erase? Anyway, we only live once, but if we do it right, once is enough.

3. Trust
Life is capricious, good people are wounded, blamed, and literally ruined by the something been untrusted. When you fail to completely trust someone, you don't open up to them, don't even talk about and hurt. Alright, trust is earned, not deserved. When you meet someone, it's okay if you don't trust them right away. It takes time to get to that level. Just because one person hurt you doesn't mean others will, so don't treat them as if they have. When you move on to the next person, start with a clean slate and relate to them as if you'd never been hurt before. And yes I am, whom trusted the next though been hurt by the first previously. Believe that someone will makes you know the true love does exist yet that's the reason.

4. A good hair day
Sadness case. What a bad hair ever, no any hair treatment is done after hair dye since July. I wish to cut my hair short till above shoulder, with dye a brown color instead. But at the first, my concern is about keep fit, I've gained about 10kg within 6 months, that's a record which no anyone breaks.


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