P H O T O G R A P H ° L I F E S T Y L E

February 12, 2017

Saving Money Tips

Why is savings so crucial? Think if you need some money urgently but you did not have any, those unexpected expenses are so devastating. Too many unknowns in your life, in your future, or even your tomorrow. Always being prepared to deal with future crises that may arise. Therefore, non-stop from positive fighting when you are still young. If you could not earn more, at least you could save more; learn how to save more while you are available. Find ways to start saving, it always easier to talk but difficult to do. Lets shifting your thought which able to yield long-term result.

Moonlight group. Those who fully spent their monthly income even before they earn their next salary, and what they should do; how they begin to start a savings plan. To implement this, you must have targets, planning, in a manner consistent to achieve it. Make change on your daily behavior, expenses, habits. Be a saver as opposed to a spender.

Step by step. List monthly income → List every demand expenses → List every monthly bill → List additional expenses for unknowns → Set monthly (fixed) savings amount → Conclude the (variable) savings after all deductions.

As diagram shown every deduction which based on a common monthly income, and how to allocate your income to every demand plus want. An analogy to show how to spend smart. But, be that as it may, every expenses can be controlled by yourself, it can be more or even lesser. For instance, if you have been living with family, your outside meal expenses do not even reach to $400 monthly because you will be always dining at home for dinner (say no to restaurant foods); if you are prepaid mobile service user, and your monthly mobile bill shall not cost $100, but much lesser.

Think twice before buying. One of the important action to every spender, especially women. Always think twice before placing your order to buying clothes, bags, heels, makeup stuffs etc. Yes, when Sephora has launched a new series of lipstick, think if you got a similar one, do you really need it? A pair of elegant high heels at display has raised your desire, you think no more window shopping, but grab it home. Do you really need it? No, indeed you don't. They will not make difference in your daily life. A $30 lipstick will not make you prettier, the elegant new high heels will be dilapidated as same as almost every heels in your shoe cabinet, admit it. But still, women should love and dress up themselves nicely. Learn to have a light shopping 3 months once, by spending from your variable savings. Always remember, your fixed savings is only for emergency use and for your retirement life.

Several bank savings accounts. To own several bank savings accounts (at least two), each with a clear purpose, is easier to control your spending. One for fixed savings, while another one is for monthly expenses. If possible, to own a third account to keep your variable savings as well, that will be convenient for you to shopping three months once, and you will not inadvertently to spend the money which allocated for monthly expenses.

Withdraw cash from ATM as few as you could. In Singapore will be safer to do this. Try not to withdraw cash from ATM too often, keep cash for entire monthly expenses. For instance, place $100 cash at your desk in office, only use that cash for the lunch during working hours and do not allow yourself to dip into anything else. Once it became lesser, and you could realize that's too much you had spent. Otherwise, you will be non-stop from withdrawing cash when finished spending some, and this caused you to spend even more.

Piggy bank. Of course you can get yourself a presentable coin bank instead of piggy style one. Never underestimate its usefulness, drop coins into it day by day and trust me you will thank yourself by doing so in one day. And lets calculate roughly how much you could save; $0.40 per day = $12 per month; $12 per month = $144 per year. For sure, some times you will save more than what you expected. Always think small amount is much better than nothing.

Unsubscribe to online sellers. Online shopping was one of the fatal weakness caused you to spend more and more. By providing email address upon purchase via online, you always received email to promote relevant products, to notify you about discount enticement. Start to unsubscribe all promotion emails, and you will have no more extraneous temptation.

No Credit Card all along. You do not need to bring your Credit Card all along, if any. Credit Card is good to use during certain occasions but would be better if you just place it home. Used to bring no Credit Card is one of the useful action for you to spend lesser. Furthermore, only put onto your Credit Card when you are able to entirely settle the payment when received bill (by paying from variable savings).

Positive target. Set at least 1 positive target to impel yourself to save more, example: a vacation. A good vacation is for eyes-opening, this is different with thinking to buy a makeup stuff. Human being are learning while travelling, if you could not afford an Europe trip and you may plan a Bali trip, Thailand trip or Hong Kong trip as well. Compute how much will that cost in total, and plan how to save more into your variable savings account.

Trust yourself by doing all these, after a year of forcing yourself to save and receiving the self-esteem that comes with it, you will be committed to the lifestyle of saving and will find ways to save even more.

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